Temukan Ships and Vessels di daerah Anda atau di seluruh dunia. Aplikasi ini menghadirkan pengguna untuk menemukan Ships and Vessels hidup di peta. Buka saja aplikasi, biarkan f
Find Ships and Vessels in your area or worldwide.
This app presents allows users to locate Ships and Vessels live on a map.
Just open the app, let it find your location and press the refresh button.
Jika ada kapal di dekatnya dengan transponder AIS yang sesuai dan stasiun penerima di jaringan kami mengambilnya, Anda harus dapat melihat kapal di peta.
See the following ship/vessel details:
Perbarui waktu
MMSI number
IMO number (Internation Maritime Organisation)
Ship Type (Passenger, cargo, pleasure, dive, military and many more)
Navigational status (under way, berthing, moored and many more)
Rate of Turn (when available)
Speed (kts)
True Heading
Special Maneuvres
Latitude and Longitude
Destination port (call of port) when available
ETA (Estimated Time of Arrival) when available
Vessel Length (meters)
Vessel Width (meters)
Vessel Draught (meters)
To Bow (from AIS transponder)
To Stern (from AIS transponder)
To Port (from AIS transponder)
To Starboard (from AIS transponder)
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